Money laundering has existed all over the world for several years, and all countries have paid attention to it and have defined money laundering laws specific to their countries.
Money laundering is done in the form of a completely legal and legitimate work and in several stages, and if a person is not aware of the signs of this great and irreparable crime, he may participate in this crime without knowing or be among the people.
In fact, on this page, we are trying to provide you with information about 11 signs of money laundering, and by knowing this type of content, you can familiarize yourself with the signs of this crime. So, we suggest you stay with SashaExchange until the end of the article to get more information in this field.
Money laundering has existed all over the world for several years, and all countries have paid attention to it and have defined money laundering laws specific to their countries.
Money laundering or money laundering is done in the form of completely legal and legitimate work in several stages, and if a person is not aware of the signs of this great and irreparable crime, he may participate in this crime without knowing it or be among the losers.
In fact, on this page, we are trying to provide you with information about 11 signs of money laundering, and by knowing this type of content, you can familiarize yourself with the signs of this crime. So, we suggest you stay with SashaExchange until the end of the article to get more information in this field.
Introducing 11 signs of money laundering
Money laundering is one of those crimes that has been receiving a lot of attention in the country’s criminal literature for several years. Of course, there are those who have introduced the age of money laundering more than these. It should be noted that this criminal title (money laundering) in a modern and more specialized view cannot be included in the definitions and explanations provided in the past.
Because it will be stated that nowadays one of the conditions of money laundering is calling the issue and using modern technologies to hide the origin of the money. If you want to know more about this topic and get enough information in this field, stay with us until the end of this section.
1. Money laundering is a serious crime
Money laundering is not an independent crime. In other words, for the occurrence of this crime, the existence of a series of primary actions and behaviors that have an independent criminal title is mandatory and necessary. To the extent that if these crimes do not occur and do not exist, there will be no more money laundering or money laundering.
It should be noted that although preliminary crimes are harmful enough and cannot be ignored, money laundering is much more dangerous and harmful than primary crimes.
2. It is a new title
Money laundering will not include any of the previous topics. This crime is a new and emerging name and a new name should be created for its policy and punishment in criminal structure and design.
3. Does not include minor issues
Some people are of the opinion that minor crimes such as hypocrisy and selling stolen property can be classified as money laundering. On the other hand, money laundering has a wider meaning, and the legal display of these types of small and minor issues will not be included in its scope. In its definition, the presence of order is also necessary and necessary, and this is the issue of distinguishing money laundering from the aforementioned crimes.
4. The other side is the purification of money
It is unfortunate that in the word money laundering, only the word money is mentioned as the common currency in the country, but this crime includes any type of dirty property, including cash, in addition to money laundering. Property is a general word and includes all possessions.
5. It is a kind of continuous crime
Unlike simple and petty crimes, money laundering is a continuous and permanent crime. This type of crime has a series of steps and processes, and all steps must be followed. Without going through this process, it is not possible to link the said criminal title and name to this event.
Unlike simple crimes, money laundering is a chain and continuous crime. Money laundering has a process and this process must be followed. Without it, the mentioned criminal title cannot be attributed to this event.
6. It has different dimensions
Like all crimes, knowing and being aware of them is affected by the blows they inflict on the foundation of society. This type of crime also has disadvantages that cause the perpetrator to be punished. In addition to the judicial dimension, dimensions such as economic, moral and political can be considered.
7. The crime is organized and planned
Unlike irregular and unplanned crimes that often disintegrate and disintegrate the criminal organization with the arrest of the perpetrator, in this type of cases, the arrest of an individual from the organization cannot be considered the end of the criminal act. Considering that in these types of organizations, the presence of diverse and countless people creates conditions for leaving or even arresting a person just by replacing the position.
8. No transfer required
In order for a haram and illegitimate asset that is affected by an initial illegitimate act to appear correct and correct, it is not necessary to use the filter of exchange or transfer. What is important and necessary in this crime is that it should not be presented in a legitimate form, not in the form of an exchange.
9. Confidentiality is important
In this name, whatever the actual crime is, it has no effect on the criminality of the money laundering crime. Although it is effective in the issue of strictness and intensification, in this work, what is important and necessary is to hide the origin of property and property resulting from crime. Of course, it goes without saying that concealment of work and concealment of property have different names and titles.
For example, a person has earned two million dollars from selling drugs. Meanwhile, what is important is hiding money from illegal and illegal sources and trying to make it look legal and legitimate.
10. Finding the concept of money laundering
For a job to be compatible with the name of money laundering, it must:
1. The basis of the property is unclear and it can be called illegal, but the illegality of the property is not enough and the organization that wants to do money laundering must be organized and coherent.
2. On the contrary, this means that he did not launder money completely randomly or individually.
3. The third issue is the use of today’s modern tools, which are the result of new and modern technologies, in the profession and practice of money laundering. It means that all criminals benefit from factors such as banking, e-commerce, etc. to make their property appear legitimate and legal.
11. This should be done in several steps
The transfer of earned income to the financial network and channel is initially official money. This transfer can be done as an investment, but this method is not the only solution. Very large and similar purchases are also one of the methods that can be used to legitimize influence and acquired funds.
In the second stage, an attempt is made to hide the main source of ownership. Here, using different methods and methods, including fraud, forgery, etc., they make the property look completely legal. Another issue in this section is the existence of recent crimes. In case of money laundering, the existence of some preliminary crimes is very necessary.
In this part of the site, we wanted to provide you with useful information about money laundering along with 11 signs of money laundering. In fact, by reading this article and remembering them, you can keep yourself away from this crime and the criminals of this crime.